A downloadable game for Windows

It's a frantic dash to the finish while hiding in plain sight!

Blink Blink Boom is a reimagining of the childhood classic "Red Light Green Light." A group of players tries to reach the end of a corridor, and a solo player tries to stop them.

One player, called the Watcher, must use eye tracking to detect and eliminate players among a group of AI characters. To shoot characters, the DJ must close his eyes for a short duration to accumulate ammunition.

While the Watcher's eyes are closed, the players and AI have a window to rush towards the finish line, but if they are still running when the Watcher opens his eyes, they will be easily spotted and eliminated.

While the Watcher's eyes are open, the other players must synchronize their movement to the beat of the music, to keep in sync with the AI and remain ambiguously undetected.


BlınkBlınkBoom_1.zip 15 MB

Install instructions

Be warned, this game requires the Tobii eye tracking device and at least one xbox controller.